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Quote by AKSHAYA - When the hands you reach for
 aren't there and the comfort you crave
 fades away, turn inward.
 You are your own source of strength,
 your own shoulder to lean on.
 Dry your own tears, lift yourself up,
 and move forward - because the 
depths of your journey are yours 
to know, unmatched by 
anyone else's understanding

                            __celestia✒️ - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by AKSHAYA - Our greatest strength can, in time, 
become our deepest flaw. 
Yet, the beauty of life lies not in
 altering this truth, but in
 learning to balance it. 
By embracing our dualities with 
wisdom and grace, we lessen their 
power to break us, allowing them 
instead to nurture our growth.


 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by AKSHAYA - Time shifts, people fade, and what remains is
 your own reflection.
 Love yourself deeply, for that’s the 
only love that will never waver. 
Embrace your independence, 
let go of expectations, and rise above
 the need for validation.
 You are your own strength,
 your own home,
 your own everything
                           --celestia✒️ - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by AKSHAYA - Only you can truly see and mend your flaws,
 calm your emotions, and control your restless thoughts. Don’t wait for someone else to
 put everything in its place; no one else can
 fully understand your battle. Embrace your power 
to transform your struggles into something beautiful.

                                               __celestia - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by AKSHAYA - Sometimes, it’s not the people
 who disrupt your life,
 but your decision to let them in.
 Instead of blaming them, 
understand that it was your choice
 that gave them the opportunity
                     ___celestia - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by AKSHAYA - Freedom is the art of letting go, a gentle
 unshackling from the past's relentless grip.
Though the rough paths we've walked may 
never fully disappear, but we have the ability to reshape them into something beautiful.
 Freedom is a choice—a decision to either 
remain confined by the struggles or
 to embrace the life you were meant to live. 
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Quote by AKSHAYA - Expectations can steal happiness and invite disappointment, but no matter how much we strive to accept things as they are, we cannot entirely stop expecting

                        --celesta✒️ - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by AKSHAYA - In the quiet depths 
of your soul, where emotions
 brew and dance, ensure love 
and compassion flow freely, 
for this transient existence 
is our canvas to share and care


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Quote by AKSHAYA - Don’t be a fleeting distraction; 
become someone who values
 time and meaningful connections.
The wrong people bring
 turbulence, but the 
right ones enrich your

                              __ celestia🖋️ - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by AKSHAYA - 

.. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by AKSHAYA - Darkness attempts to diminish your glow,
 oblivious to your elegance and value.
You may never fully grasp its motives.
Unaware of its treachery and
 the looming threat,
 you continue to shine
 brightly in this world - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by AKSHAYA - Let the dust of the world
settle far from you.
With your own strength,
guard your spirit's flame.
Stay true to your essence,
unaltered and bright. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by AKSHAYA - They pretend to camouflage
 exploitaion and mistreatment....
 Being too emotional is a curse
 as escapism is undoable from such tricky plays....
what's pathetic is the empathy
 resisting your strong mind..
At the last forlon stage,
their veins dry out without any pureness to flow....
 Tears wither away....
Muscles freeze out...
And body goes static...
 What left is an unwanted soul of indelible trauma - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by AKSHAYA - What's harder than letting go is holding on.. there is nothing left to carve out your ill treated heart..Its hell  for those proritizing loved ones over the self... All the peace and seclusion overwhlmed by torment and agony.. The pure hearted push themselves into an abyss where awaits unending trials..its impossible to find harmony in it - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by AKSHAYA - Feelings for you sprouted in my heart,
 you watered it daily,
 a beautiful spring we got,
everthing seems so perfect
 monsoon came,
where i tried to find us a shelter,
you left me alone in the thunder,
dream of soothing summer shattered,
 pain of eternal reign started,
" always and forever...!" a mere seducing lie.. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by AKSHAYA - ആധി ഘട്ടങ്ങളിൽ പ്രിയപെട്ടവരുടെ പിന്തുണ എത്രയേറെ ആശ്വാസകരമാണ്.. എന്നാൽ ഈ വേദനകളുടെ പര്യായമായി മാറി യാതനകൾ സൃഷ്ടിക്കുന്നതും അവർ തന്നെ ആണെങ്കിലോ?!
എല്ലാം സഹിച്ച് സ്വയം ഇല്ലാതാക്കി ആർക്കോ വേണ്ടി ജീവിക്കേണ്ടി വരും... എല്ലാം അവസാനിപിച്ച് രക്ഷപ്പെടാനുള്ള ഗതിയും അടക്കപെടുകയാണെങ്കിലോ?! സ്വയം പഴി ചാരി ബാക്കി ജീവിതം അങ്ങനെ അങ്ങ് ജീവിക്കേണ്ടി വരും.. ജീവച്ഛവം പോലെ... - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by AKSHAYA - Your unique character or qualities come from your actions, no?!Sprout when you show it or give it to someone...
What's the catch behind your precious inner qualities or ethics whatever..,when no one could see it or accept them..

Why anyone's affirmation?! Then how come it be valuable, if it is to kept in some corners of your great mind?

You don't have to prove yourself to anyone, no?!Then why trying to prove it to yourself..don't you know and believe the self?!

If someone seeks own satisfaction in this and follows his/her heart, won't they be alienated?

 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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