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Dr Iris
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quotes are the best way to express life
Dr Iris
Quote by Dr Iris - The razor blade is sharp but can't cut a tree

The axe is strong but can't cut a hair. Everyone is important according to their unique purpose. So never look down on anyone unless you are admiring their shoes.

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Dr Iris
Quote by Dr Iris - when u feel that nothing is falling in place trust in God's plans  he has something best for u always 

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Dr Iris
Quote by Dr Iris - we should stay way from people who back bite and gossip about others as you never know when they start disliking u and start doing the same for u as well 

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Dr Iris
Quote by Dr Iris - nowadays the biggest problem that our generation face is worst mental heath they have and people are not actually ready to talk about it in today's world when everyone is busy in there life's and no one is ready to understand that  some problem can be a big issue for some one patience have left us and there is always a situation of panic we need to change this attitude and create a difference 

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Dr Iris
Quote by Dr Iris - life is like a test but in this test we don't get a second chance if we try to end this test...situations come when we feel disabled disappointed that doesn't mean that's the end that means something best is yet to come to be strong confidence calm and face ur problems
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Dr Iris
Quote by Dr Iris - nowadays  people find bleeding and giving up on dreams  easier than sweating and working hard 

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Dr Iris
Quote by Dr Iris -   when ever problem comes we get disheartened and disabled we are only seeing the  problems from one side .the other side we don't want to see or we are unable to see if there is rain then there is a sun as well so if there is a problem so there would be solution as well just be calm and be patient let God do the best he can just trust him as he is the creator who created u ..

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Quote by Iris - Meri 100 bimariyon ka tu ilaz hh ..
Tu hi mera bita waqt , tu hi aaj hh..
Din, mahine , sal kam pdenge sang tere..
Zindagi jo mangu puri ,kya khayal hh?? - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by Iris - Giving ur 100% doing whatever it takes to make the other person feel happy just to listen don't accept from others or stop doing for them it's so shameful if u have an attitude to taking favours from the world have an attitude of gratitude as well instead of staying that the world is selfish so I am selfish too bring a change by starting with urself respect and gratitude is the biggest gift u can give to a person who has always given his /her best to make u smile value people and u will have a value in life 
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Quote by Iris - Sometimes in life you need peace more than happiness...
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Quote by Iris - Talking a lot 
messing things up
doing a lot for people
lack discipline
lack focus 
expecting a lot from people 
every one knows my weakness 
yes this is the imperfect me and i love it until people start judging me  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by Iris - Sometimes when are vibes  don't match with people we offen gossip about them say things we should not say about them .... that's something so wrong we are doing we don't release that unknowingly or knowingly we are insulting the most beautiful creation of God we are not insulting a person but a creation of God with a different opinion...

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Quote by Iris - When we insult someone we offen think no one is seeing us but we don't release that God our creater is watching us and we have to pay back for our each and every karma 

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Quote by Iris - Nowadays we feel lonely left out from our groups don't feel good about ourselves we are not confident and we wait for people to compliment us admire us we should just remember that we are  beautiful in our own ways and we are one of the most beautiful creation of God and God has send us on this earth of a purpose half of our negative will vanish if we start admiring ourselves and telling ourselves we are the best  

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Quote by Iris - it's often said that we should never give importance to the people who criticize us but if I say the onces who we love and respect so much to the onces we are very close to criticize us then ... the truth is we are often hurt unknowingly or knowingly by people who we really admire and love so  in life just remember situation will change people will change but u will always be with urself so love urself and admire urself to the fullest because I guess no one can do that better than u urself 

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Quote by Iris - In life all the things are not perfect the things we try can even turn out to be worst but the things u are perfect at and confident with  will always be perfect in life.

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Quote by Iris - You need to pay for ur karma on this same earth wheather u speak  lies or u do something wrong with someone you will have to pay back for it on this same earth there is nothing like heaven or hell 

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Quote by Iris - Ur passion is ur best  teacher it always gives u a lesson that may sometimes things may not be perfect for u but that doesn't mean that u will give up on things which u really admire and are ur passion...

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Quote by Iris - Lets  be selfless helping and calm like the trees no matter how much humans cut their branches and give them a lot of pain they still don't give up upon their selfless nature and gives us fruits and shadow in the hottest summers 
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Quote by Iris - You can become the person you actually want to be by having a strong mindset and a positive attitude
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Quote by Iris - By giving ur best  in the present today  you can make ur future best and better tomorrow
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Quote by Iris - Help the needy and God will help you when u will be in need 
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Quote by Iris - The best way to adore god is by helping others ....by helping others you are not only serving humanity but even helping a creation of God ....

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Quote by Iris - Every one is beautiful in their own way because we are the creations of the beautiful creator
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Quote by Iris - When u think everything is falling apart just believe in gods plans 
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Quote by Iris - Thank God for ur every beautiful blessing u never know the thing u are taking for granted may be it be the most beautiful blessing from God 

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Quote by Iris - when u love someone truly then u never complaint that how the person  is u accept the person the way they are and never criticise the person for who they actually are u listen to the persons feeling  whole heartedly without complaining that their talks are boring or u don't have time to listen to them  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by Iris - it's hard reality of today's  generation  that they think  they are mature and no one can be like them they cannot accept a person the way he or she is .. it's actually disappointing maturity doesn't come from mature adult talks it comes from how do we deal with our life situations and the biggest sign of maturity is when u accept the person the way he or she is without criticizing him or her ..but sadly this generation lacks this..
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Quote by Iris - Bonding is like beads on a necklace once broken will fall apart
if u try to bring them together u need to tight a knot it's not the matter of onces behaviour. its the matter of vibes...ur vibes should match..one sided Bonding is like a tape without glue no matter how much u try. to stick it..it wouldn't stick rather would fall apart think before u start feeling bonded with the person that bonding may not last long utimate the onces with whom we will feel connected will stay rest will automatically move apart in this world every minute every sec we promise someone or the other to stay in contact forever but how many people we actually stay in contact with ?? the answer is again the same the one who want to stay will stay rest will automatically move apart
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Quote by Iris - Sometimes in life unknowingly we value those people who actually don't value us and don't value those people who actually value us life always didn't give a second chance to change the things that have been spoiled by us so let's be wise enough to take our decision wisely though life is a Roller coaster but our situations totally depend upon what kind of mindset we have towards life sometimes we want get out of the situation but still we cannot but we have a hope that whatever situation we are facing may pass by and happy days would soon come if in the darkest places we can hope for a ray of light then why not in our life's lets learn how to positive and feel good about ourselves inside out value those who value us and bring smile on others face this is how our life will become delightful ...

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Quote by Iris - life and people change according
at a point of time it seems that they are with us but the next minute it seems it they never belonged to us people can motivate us but they cannot be our real strength the inner strength lies within us we just need to feel it life may change people may pass way like a passing cloud but the thing that always remains within us is our real strength which can never be touched sensed only can be felt...
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Quote by Iris - it's offen said that extrovert people speak out
whatever they feel like but it's not true sometimes in life
some questions are always unanswered you may not get a solution it's not always important that every problem has a solution many mysterious things are still unsolved in this world a fear in the mind and heart that people may judge us wrong
life is a mystery and downfalls are like the dark acid spots which always remain with us in our sad memories life moves on moments become memories in which some memories are always cherished and some leave a great remark on our lifes

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Quote by Iris - People offen ask what is the secret of a happy life it's simple make others feel happy and special you urself will feel the same sometimes to make other person smile u need to compromise on ur priorities that doesn't mean that u are compromising on ur happiness rather u are adding more to ur life let's learn how to be selfess rather than to be selfish thinking for the happiness of others rather than our own if we wish the best for others the same would come to us so just smile and make others smile too
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Quote by Iris - Attitude of gratitude is above all the attitudes  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by Iris - Nature is the best teacher the sun teaches us to be tough and punctual in life the moon teaches us to be calm and cool the trees teach us to strongly face each and every situation in life
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Quote by Iris - Be calm and cool like a moon face each and every situation with a calm and cool mind and u will definitely get a solution
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Quote by Iris - Be strong as a tree no matter how much rain storm or sun would be there it still stands strong and faces every situation with a bold attitude
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Quote by Iris - Be selfless like the sun ☀️ who no matter people like it or not but it never forgets to light up the world with its bright  rays  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by Iris - No one can love u more than u urself the key to happiness in life is actually self love ...self love is like a pain killer which relief u from the pain of loneliness
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Quote by Iris - your loved onces are the one who will love you the way u are will always value u will never judge u no matter what happens in life you will be always the most precious gift from God to them they will be always with u doing ur bad times they will never criticize u and will always support u sometimes this definition of loved onces changes when they don't support us or criticize us this doesn't at all means they don't love u but that means they always think  good  for u .... loved onces are the onces who always act like a lighting lamp during ur darkest night so let's value the most beautiful blessing of God that is our loved onces 
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Quote by Iris - Having a family is the most beautiful blessing from God no matter how sad or angry they maybe from us  they are the onces who always stand like a piller of strength during our bad times when in life we feel that everything is falling apart then they are the onces who give us the strength and motivation to even face the most difficult times when we  are sad or upset they are the onces who try their level best to enlighten ur mood and make us happy.. so love ,respect and value ur family because they are the most precious gift from God u could ever have 
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Quote by Iris - In life people are of  two kinds one are like ur good dreams whom u always want to remember no matter what happens and second the onces who are like ur bad dreams whom u don't want to remember even in ur darkest nightmares liking or disliking people is actually not in ur hand we act differently to different people and opinions our behaviour varies with people and situations it   never remains constant... this is human nature so don't worry  just smile and move on ..
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Quote by Iris - In life never hope that people will understand your situation if u don't work according to their convenience then they think that u are making excuses just in order to avoid them ... there are very less people who actually understand u and don't consider ur situations as excuses and value u ... value those who actually respect u and ur situation rather than giving importance to those who always find ur situation as  ur silly lame excuses 
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Quote by Iris - Change always starts with you if you don't change ur thinking then u cannot hope that  the world will change their thinking  ..a change starts with a small step never change urself because people are saying that u need to change till  u don't feel from inside  that a change is required  don't change ...a change is a very beautiful thing only if u are happy and satisfied with it...
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Quote by Iris - Time is the best healer it heals all the pain and suffering just takes a little time 
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Quote by Iris - if u think that what makes u happy will make others happy too then u are wrong.. people will always have different opinions as they come from different situations circumstances places so their thinking can vary...comparing ourselves to others will make u sad how can we be same like them every one is unique in his or her way let's not wait for people to be happy at things we are happy at and enjoy the moment to the fullest because it's life and smiling is all ur choice 
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Quote by Iris - Letters are the best way to express your feelings it gives a sense of attachment  and care towards the person.. each word of a hand written letter expresses the emotion of the person and it's a beautiful way of expressing ur thoughts to someone.. In the 21 century where we text message people hand written letters play a very important role there is always a great value of an handwritten letter as it is full of emotions and feelings 
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Quote by Iris - Destiny favours the brave... destiny is always

defined by own  karma the best thing u can

do is just give in ur best in whatever u do

keep ur self esteem and self motivation

high and u will reach ur goal  just

be patient

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Quote by Iris - You should always think good about urself and feel happy for who u are.. trust me if you do that then in life you  will never feel lonely and always be happy with urself and you would not require anyone to please u or make you happy

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Quote by Iris - You should  never be affected by what people say because if u do the best then even they will comment and if u do the worst then even they will comment... you should always know who u are and what is ur motivate to be on earth trust me if u know who u are and what's ur motivate to be on this earth people words will never affect u

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