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Fr. Japheth Tibui
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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - Wickedness has become an attribute in this generation.
But don't forget, goodness is also an attribute. 
Be good to everyone no matter who or what.

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - Familiarity if allowed can destroy the growth of both parties 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - You can still be loved without criticizing others. 
True love is not begged but given. 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - God is blessing me beyond my Merit

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - Our words & actions are the handwritings of our souls & minds. 
Think twice before you say a word or act. 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 
People will keep looking for you as long as you have something to offer them. 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 
You need to have a choice in other to make a choice 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 

They will think you are mad until your result proves them wrong.

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 
In life there are always people who will be close to us than others,
in this small group lies even those who will betray us. 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - Rather than going in search of others for your happiness, 
why not search for yourself instead & be happy!

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 💙 Tuesday, 2nd week of Advent "B" 💙

True Love seeks to reconcile and not to let go.
No matter our situation, God does not give up on us. He loves us so much. 
(Mk. 18:12-14)

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 💙 Tuesday, 2nd week of Advent "B" 💙

True Love seeks to reconcile and not to let go.
No matter our situation, God does not give up on us. He loves us so much. 
(Mk. 18:12-14)

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 

Good friends are better than bad relatives.

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 

Proper preparation is the key to any great Success

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 💙 Sunday, 2rd Week of Advent "B"💙

Proper preparation is the key to any great Success
Prepare the way for the Lord comes
(Mk. 1:1-8)

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 💙 Wednesday, 1st Week of Advent 💙

When you are devoted to God, He takes better care of you before you even ask. 
(Matt. 15:29-37)

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 💙 Tuesday, 1st Week of Advent 💙

Our knowledge of God depends on God love for us based on our humility and availability. 
(Lk. 10:21-24)

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 💙 Monday, 1st Week of Advent 💙
True Faith is expressed in absolute simplicity & humility.
It has a general effect on all 
(Matt. 8:5-11)

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 1st Sunday of Advent 2023 
He who waits in Hope must stay awake & be focus.
(Mk. 13:33-37)

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - The best person to care for you is you
Take good care of yourself always 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - Avoid that which you don't need and cannot afford. 
It will save you from a lot of stress. 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - Never spoil a good relationship for selfish reasons

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - The best secret is no secret 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - The less you expect from others the happier you become 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - We all have right to a better future 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - The nursery for evil is jealousy

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - Self-control is the door to maturity

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - Always have a Goal in life 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - There are some relationships that must be sacrifice for genuine Peace of mind.  

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - Appreciation attracts more act of kindness. 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 7-Lust#
Lust destroys the body & soul, and corrupt the mind. 
= show me a man with self-control & I will show you a happy man =

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 6-Gluttony#
Excess always have a negative result. 
=Be moderate in everything=

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 5-Greed#
Generosity brings happiness & fulfilment. 
A Greedy man is a sad man & self-destructive too. 
=Be generous always=

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 4-Sloth#
When Sloth becomes a friend, poverty becomes a companion. 
=Be zealous=

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 3-Anger#
Anger kills the human in you & destroys your future. 
Be kind & self-control 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 2-Envy#
Contentment leads to happiness, while Envy brings sadness.

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 1-Pride#
If someone's Pride bothers you, then you are proud too. 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - work Hard Play Hard

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - Some deep pains are secretly hidden behind the smile and laughter on our faces.  
Be kind to all you meet today 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - Feeling alone is more dangerous than being alone.

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - Humility and simplicity are key factors to self-happiness

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - True Peace comes from Charity and a sincere heart to Love

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - The first Sacrifice to Success is Time

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - The problem with some of our youths today is that they want to live the future in the present

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - Modernisations when wrongly use becomes a slow poison for the future

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - God's will always
focused on our Salvation 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - When God is Silent He is speaking
(1kings 19:11-18)

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - You are not Blessed because you know God
You are Blessed because God knows you. 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - Judging others based on our temperament is lack of Charity 

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Fr. Japheth Tibui
Quote by Fr. Japheth Tibui - 
You cannot separate the mercy of God from his being. God is Mercy. 
Lamentations 3:22-23

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