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Manuel Agabz
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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Where Hope Ends, FAITH is Born

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - The greatest mistake most people make
Is to think that people are dispersible

Some of us are unique for a reason.

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - What is Yours Will Always Find It's Way To You

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Separation
Is Most times, likened to the skin being reaped off the body
It hurts so bad
But it heals and gets better with time.

Learn to heal from those relationships that left bruises 
By being there for yourself.

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - In This Generation

• Beauty Can Be Found In The Most Unsual Places!
• Beautiful hearts in Unattractive bodies
• Loving People in a harsh and hateful World
• Caring souls in a busy world

Be Quick Not To Judge...

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Anything made with Love Takes Time

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Be Comfortable In Your Own Skin

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - It's important

To sit under the right message
Listen to the right voices.

That's what will influence 
Your life's choices and lifestyle.

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Go Where You're Appreciated 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - We Lose Some To Win Some

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Not Everyone is FOR You

Learn to appreciate those that are, Cause they are the ones you Need!

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - We all at some point crave for attention, but what happens when we don't get it?

Those Moments Do Change Many

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Thoughts surely do become things.
Be conscious of what you feed your mind.

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - One Can Only Give
What They Have Received... 

Don't Expect What One Has Never Had! 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - One finds fulfillment in Doing What One loves

 Life is too short; 
To spend time doing what you'd Rather Not!

Maunel Agabz - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Our Worth is mostly determined by the Things and People
We Choose To Give Our attention To!

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - There's Liberty In Being You
Yourself And Live! 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Self Love Doesn't Mean You're Selfish - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Guilty by association

Pick your friends wisely or you will be guilty by association

Association is perception

Perception is reality

As a young man, don't hang with losers, addicts and criminals

As a young woman, don't hang out with sluts, single moms and divorcees

Part of your reputation is dependent upon the people you hang out and associate with

Be very strict about your circle and people you associate with - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - To See What Is Not There
Gaze Upon That Which Is 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - To See What Is Not There
Gaze Upon That Which Is 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Everything Has a Purpose
An End To It

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - You Lose value 
You're too accessible! 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - 

Age like wine.

Age like milk.

 kind to women,

kind to men.

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - When a woman gives birth to your child
it has to do with the provision for the child,
It becomes

• Buy this for your child
• Your child needs to be provided for
• Your child's school fees needs to be paid
• Your child is your responsibility and should be taken care of

But when you guys have issues,
It then becomes

• I'm leaving with my child
• This place isn't suitable for my child
• My child doesn't deserve a father like you
• I'm filing for a divorce, and I'm going with my child

All because of an argument or issue, "your child" quickly turns to "my child."

Now, she feels she's solely entitled to the child 
While you who have been providing for the child before he/she was born will have to seek for permission
Before you can have access to your child.

A lot of women are just brainless, selfish, and ain't good people. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Remember :

• A man is a product of his suffering and pain.

• A man is built from the deepest embers of his struggles.

• The deeper the struggles, the bigger the man.

Don't lose hope
Tomorrow you will be a better man.
✌️ - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - The Zebra is the most beautiful animal in the wild,

But it is the donkey that was domesticated.

Do you think our forefathers were stupid?

*Heed or suffer*

"The character you need might not be in the body you admire" - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Remove Expectations From People, 
You Would've Removed Their Power
 Hurt Your Feelings! 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - It's Not About Who Left,
It's About Who Stayed! 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - What gets you a person 
What Keeps That Person! 

Absence of That, 
You're bound to Lose That Person! 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - 
Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; 
    you make my lot secure.

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; 
    surely I have a delightful inheritance.

I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; 
    even at night my heart instructs me.

I keep my eyes always on the Lord. 
    With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

PSALM 16:5-8 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Has it Ever Occurred To You, 

Your Attitude Towards Some People Affects 
The Way They Perceive You?

Don't ask Why the changed, 
Ask What You Did To Enforce That Change! 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - You had A Purpose 
Everyone had an opinion
Remember that! 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Sometimes,
We Give Up On People 
 Because We Don’t Care ,
Because They Don’t 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - You No Matter What You Do... 

 World is Gonna Judge You! 

Live Your Life The Way You Want! 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Your Relevance is What Keeps you in People's Lives!

Once Your Relevance Diminishes,
You will realize... 

You just Knew People
People Never Knew You! 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - The person you needed the most, 

Teach you to need nobody! 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Everyday
I have to remind myself,

That it's on me... 

To get myself, 
To where I wanna be in life! 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - We found strangers, 
Who believed in us, 
Strangers who fed us, 
Strangers who changed how we viewed life
Strangers who lit our candles, 
  Strangers who gave us hope!

This day,
I am grateful to all strangers who became our support system

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - And if one day
 (𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑜𝑛) 
We become important
Don't text us.
Thank you!!

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - It takes One
Know One

Believe Everything They Tell You About Me.

I'm My Own Life's Story Teller! 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - 😎
Me in the studio

Camera man oya change style
  🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Most times,

Past is best left Buried!

Great Things are ahead,
Don't jeopardize Your Future

Clinging to what's long Gone! 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - You May Think You Are Going Through Alot 

Until You Meet Someone Going Through
Much More Than What You Are Going Through. 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Most times, 
You Need Is Right Infront Of You!

You Spend Most Of Your Time, 
Looking For Your Own Version Of Need. 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - I Have More Conversations in My Mind 
Than I do in Real Life

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - “Look at your age mates" 

Statement has pushed many people
Unhealthy relationships, 
Unhealthy Marriages, 
 Hospitals and Early graves. 

Be careful!!
 Run your own race,
 Walk on your own path, 
Be yourself.
The world will always adjust.

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Relax,
When the Time Is Right,
You Will Know! 

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - There was once a love Bird that used to whisper to me...

It convinced me that Love was such a beautiful thing!
So, I tried Love😂

I think that Love bird got shot🤔

Cause the realities of that thing called Love 🤐

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Manuel Agabz
Quote by Manuel Agabz - Before
You consider Conquering a Territory,

It's habitants first! 

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