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Pushpa Ahlawat
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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Don't think about them who impact you negatively." 

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"People follow superstition
 as per their demands."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Our gestures are the outward expression of our inward conditions."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Most of times, We are master of our decisions but slave of our choices."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"The biggest thing is accept the thing that happened and also accept the thing that hasn't happen."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Set a boundary of your dignity so that no one can try to cross it."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says.

"Sympathy earning game in relations loses real Sympathy one day."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Constant changing nature is harmful in relations." 

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Dreams come true while intension is pure."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"We are the first victim of our anger."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Laughter without love is cruel,
Laughter with love is joy."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"influence of emotions brings out real self on the surface."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - बातें दिल से।

"अंदाज-ए-दौर खिलने का हमारा अलग ही है,
ना रोकिए हर कदम, कहीं हम मुरझा ना जाए।"

पुष्पा। - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Holding on anger is like drinking poison
 and expecting other person to die."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Forgive and forget someone not for him but for yourself."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Life is all about learnings, 
it's not absolute."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - 

"Listening without love is empty soul,
Listening with love is understanding."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says.

Love is itself everything if it has in your relationship. Its blessing of Universe."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"It's not so much what you say as how you say it."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Without visions humanity can't survive."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"If you are thirsty, so its doesn't mean to drink toxic". 

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"An environment friendly is mostly economic friendly.
Save environment, economy automatically saved."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Rest of mind matters more than rest of body."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Work without love is burden,
work with love is bliss."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Mother's true love and right upbringing, become the base of the humanity."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Sometimes to keep our loving ones happy, we have to act as a blind."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"For hard days,  prepare in peace time."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - बातें दिल से।

"तुम मेरी रूह और जिस्म के टुकड़े हो, सदा रहोगें,
लेकिन दुनिया में कुछ और रिश्ते भी निभाने है मुझे।"

पुष्पा। - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

Remember that

"The thing about which you are complaining
 can be dream of someone."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"A mother is knowingly most time foolish."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Improvement happens by two ways. 
1. By adding something and 
2. By subtracting something."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - बातें दिल से।

"थी बचपन में, मैं भी एक आजाद परिंदा,
सपना था एक दिन इस आसमान को नापने का,
फिर पंख कतरने शुरु किए मेरे अपनों ने,
अब पता चला मेरी चुपी ही जिम्मेदार थी कहीं ना कहीं इन सबके के लिए।"

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Behave in a manner, which you can bear."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Every society has its own way of living."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"There is an open sky for everyone, 
but we ourselves responsible for Our Limitations."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - बातें दिल से।

"मैं पूछती हूँ ऐ नारी तोह से,
क्यूं मूर्ख बन बैठी है तोह, 
खुद ही रीतियों के चक्रव्यूह बना,
खुद को ही फंसाए हुई है तोह।"

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"People use the word 'I am straight forward' can we bear everyone straight forward."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"We can learn about life by two ways:
1. By Self experiences. 
2. By observing others. "

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Everyone has a place of peace, find it."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Our value in this world is far less a decimal but we keep our Ego bigger than this earth."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Every place has a value and its vibrant according to it."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Time is great thing, its prove one day you are right or wrong."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Whatever right deed you do but people judge it only from their point of view."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - बातें दिल से।

"सदा खुश रहो ऐसे ही, ये दुआ है मेरी,
बस जिंदगी की परिक्षा में कभी हार मत मानना।

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Rather than controlling others, let's try to control ourselves."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"If you say a thing again and again someone,  it will lose its value."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"people lose their relations without knowing of their true value."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"No matter how pure you are, people mostly judge you from their point of view."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Never believe on someone else until your Instinct says, Yes."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Somewhere we have to set  boundaries of our relations. "

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