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Yanjya Narayan
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - What other people think of me is none of my business. One of the highest places you can get to is being independent of the good opinions of other people. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. No man has learned anything rightly, until he knows that every day is Doomsday. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - When you go through difficult times...recognize that God is refining you, knocking off some of your rough edges. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Let's start with what we can be thankful for, and get our mind into that vibration, and then watch the good that starts to come, because one thought leads to another thought. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - It is your responsibility to make sure that positive emotions constitute the dominating influence of your mind. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - By referring to previous struggles and using them as reasons for not getting on with your life today, you're assigning responsibility to the past for why you can't be successful or happy in the present. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - We can't control the world. We can only (barely) control our own reactions to it. Happiness is largely a choice, not a right or entitlement. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Remember that your real wealth can be measured not by what you have, but by what you are. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Life teaches you the art of letting go in every event. When you have learnt to let go, you will be joyful and as you start being joyful, more will be given to you. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - We delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Taking possession of your positive self will put you on the success beam that you may ride triumphantly to whatever heights of achievement you desire. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - If you are worried or afraid of anything, there is something in your mental attitude that needs correction. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - If you are worried or afraid of anything, there is something in your mental attitude that needs correction. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - You are the only person who thinks in your mind! You are the power and authority in your world. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - The cause of the depression is traceable directly to the worldwide habit of trying to reap without sowing. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - God would not have put a dream in your heart if He had not already given you everything you need to fulfill it. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - To control your life, control your mind. To control your mind, control your breath.

 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - It isn’t defeat, but rather your mental attitude toward it, that whips you. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - If you can win over your mind, you can win over the whole world. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - The majority of people who fail to accumulate money sufficient for their needs are, generally, easily influenced by the opinion of others. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Visualize yourself living in abundance, and you will attract it. This method always works, consistently, for everyone. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are your own fears. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Life is nothing to be very serious about. Life is a ball in your hands to play with. Don’t hold on to the ball. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Master your thoughts and continually direct them toward your goals and aspirations. Cultivate the ability to concentrate on what you want to achieve and explore methods to reach those objectives. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Every man is what he is, because of the dominating thoughts which he permits to occupy his mind. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - The universe has been responding to you throughout your entire life, but you can only perceive its answers if you are fully conscious and aware. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Trying to get 
without first giving 
is as fruitless 
as trying to reap 
without having sown. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Listen to others, but don't let their problems consume you. If you become entangled in their issues, you'll end up as miserable as they are. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - No one can make you jealous, angry, vengeful or greedy. Unless you let him. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Remember, no more effort is required to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity, than is required to accept misery and poverty. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Filling your heart with happiness is more profitable than filling your hands with riches. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - It is our own thoughts that lead us into trouble, not other people.  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - There are no limitations to the mind except those that we acknowledge. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - If you make your prayers an expression of gratitude and thanksgiving for the blessings you have already received, instead of requests for what you do not have, you will obtain results a great deal faster. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - If you make your prayers an expression of gratitude and thanksgiving for the blessings you have already received, instead of requests for what you do not have, you will obtain results a great deal faster. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Making every desire come true is not difficult once you realize that the same thing is always at work  you are transforming pure awareness from one state to another. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Gather the courage to encourage yourself. Your self-motivation will energize you to dream of bigger ambitions to accomplish in life! - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - When you change how you see things, the things you see change. Your perspective is a powerful tool that helps you use the power of intention in your life. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - The only competition you will ever face is with your own ignorance. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - You can't change people but you can provide an alternative to how they see their life now. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - Let’s start with what we can be thankful for, and get our mind into that vibration, and then watch the good that starts to come, because one thought leads to another thought. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - The fool who recognizes his foolishness, is a wise man. But the fool who believes himself a wise man, he really is a fool. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - If you keep waiting to feel talented enough to achieve success, you'll never achieve it. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Yanjya Narayan
Quote by Yanjya Narayan - When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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