Morwatshehla K Tony profile
Morwatshehla K Tony
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Spoken-word poet. Published author of Effusive love and Archives of the heart.
Morwatshehla K Tony
Quote by Morwatshehla K Tony - 
Imagine yourself as a wise scorpion, having  hidden stash of alcohol, when suddenly you discover a predator lurking in your camp. Now, if this predator was to approach you and ask about the whereabouts of a single droplet of alcohol, would you willingly reveal your secret?

Morwatshehla K Tony - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Morwatshehla K Tony
Quote by Morwatshehla K Tony - Under the scorching sun, I am the number one, and I refuse to be anyone's second option. Those who expect my unwavering loyalty without reciprocation shall be left to wander in the desolate wasteland of their own self-importance.

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Morwatshehla K Tony
Quote by Morwatshehla K Tony - Loving you is a choice I make every day, even if it means I must do it in silence

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Morwatshehla K Tony
Quote by Morwatshehla K Tony - "Loving you is like a choice I make every day, even when it's hard to do. It's a silent promise that I keep, because loving you is a blissful feeling that will stay engraved in my heart forever."

Morwatshehla K Tony  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Morwatshehla K Tony
Quote by Morwatshehla K Tony - You know, life is really amazing. 
One day, you wake up to find yourself in the presence of a beauty, 
So sparkling and gleaming that it puts the sun to shame. 
And her beaming face; eyes emanate a wonderful brightness,
 That transforms you into a prisoner; eying her, 
A treasure from afar.

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Morwatshehla K Tony
Quote by Morwatshehla K Tony - Misery before dawn IV

And every moment,  I ran into these hazy figures,
All they could say was,
"Hey man, love your poesies;
You must be a genius for nailing those tests;
You're better off than us sub-averange peeps",
But why should I care, thou? 
Even if they had asked how I was,
I'd probably have just said "I'm fine",
Like any other day; yet once again woke up with a grey face.
The monsters dwelling below my skip,
Are raging in my heart, so a smile could never stay.
After all, I am no human;
I'm simply another humanoid monster,  trying to fit in.
Thou I see grey, I laugh and smile,
But I'm rather a lonely skeleton,

---awaiting the grim reaper's sweet blade.

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Morwatshehla K Tony
Quote by Morwatshehla K Tony - I've always known I'm no hero; I'd carry all the responsibility alongside slurs crowned on my visage and still grace the universe with laughter; after all, it's more pleasant to be discarded than used.

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Morwatshehla K Tony
Quote by Morwatshehla K Tony - To The People I Needed, Thank You For Leaving .

Phora - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Morwatshehla K Tony
Quote by Morwatshehla K Tony - Studying is the most difficult thing I've had to do on a consistent basis; when you study, you're either doing the exploitation or being exploited; either way, you'll always be on your own and accountable to your dreams.

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Morwatshehla K Tony
Quote by Morwatshehla K Tony - Humans are fascinating animals that you should avoid but interact with while shielded.

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Morwatshehla K Tony
Quote by Morwatshehla K Tony - And you'll be a hero to some as you live up to their fantasy expectations; if you don't, you'll be a villain. At that point, your response should  be that "I'll be the villan who cuts you down and destroys you without mercy"

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Morwatshehla K Tony
Quote by Morwatshehla K Tony - Not only did I get engulfed in its rattles;
I'm lost to sit atop the frontlines, 
Besides mounted corpses raging within this heart,
Perhaps I've never escaped, home.

Morwatshehla K Tony  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Morwatshehla K Tony
Quote by Morwatshehla K Tony - If boys don't cry, Where are these tears supposed to go?

Jake Banfield  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Quote by KOKETSO TONY MORWATSHEHLA - And of all the things you could learn, what do you need prioritize?

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Quote by KOKETSO TONY MORWATSHEHLA - Trust is a currency I don't play with.

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Quote by KOKETSO TONY MORWATSHEHLA - The mastery of guarding your heart is the most crucial and difficult conquest of self. Once it's achieved, true peace is granted.

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Quote by KOKETSO TONY MORWATSHEHLA - "My heart emulates a moonflower,
It's petals are cocooned in longing"

Morwatshehla K Tony - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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